Friday 23 April 2010

Strange Love

Stereotypically, there's a certain kind of man who women go crazy for.
You know the type. Well muscled, well groomed, and generally ticking every box on that generic list of what, stereotypically, makes a man good looking. You can't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. Brad Pitt, Robert Pattinson, the list goes on. And on. A never ending queue of men who women drool over, who are idolised in women's gossip mags, splayed on page after page in ascending from the sea in their trunks like the living embodiment of the adonis, in those holiday snaps that magazine's do so love to bulk out their content with.
But, what if that kind of man just doesn't tick your boxes?
I mean, I can definitely see the appeal of Brad Pitt. I am not saying that he doesn't tick the boxes for me. But almost every woman I know has a kind of man, or a certain celebrity, that is their guilty pleasure. That guy that is so wrong, it's right.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here tonight to confess my guilty, it's-wrong-but-I-don't-give-two-hoots-what-you-think celebrity crush.
Ron Perlman. He's just turned sixty, so therefore is almost old enough to be my GRANDAD, but I find something about him very appealing....
I've actually spent most of this evening trying to work out what it is.
Maybe it's that voice. He has the most fantasticly deep, rolling voice. My boyfriend recently got an audiobook that Perlman reads, and he just has the kind of voice that I could just sit and listen to all day.
But then there's the cheeky grin, and that knowing twinkle in his eyes, and... and... well ok, so I can't actually elaborate that much on it. He's also a very talented actor, he's been in some pretty mediocre films, but he is always fantastic. And I love him. Did I say that?
SO, without further adieu, here's some more pictures of him.
As Rhineheart in Blade 2
As Brother Samuel in Mutant Chronicles
As Hellboy
In TV series Sons of Anarchy
I also had to add this, as I know Mr. Perlman is a cigar smoker.
And there's just something about a man with a cigar.....

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